The researches concluded, “Wearing a wristwatch results in an increase in bacterial contamination of the wrist but excess hand contamination does not occur unless the watch is manipulated.”
Other studies have found that neckties, rings, and stethoscopes help germs move around the hospital.
Quiz yourself
Your goal is to make a hospital or medical clinic as-safe-as-possible from bacterial cross contamination. What has research shown to be disinfected only 10% of the time by nurses and doctors?
Want a few hints?
This item is becoming common in elementary schools across the United States.
Michael Douglas has had one since the The Streets of San Francisco.
You probably have one.
Germs hide - Answer
Cell Phones.
According to the researchers, “Mobile phones have become veritable reservoirs of pathogens as they touch faces, ears, lips and hands of different users with different health conditions. This infection could be reduced through identification, and control of predisposing factors, education and microbial surveillance. Most people do not understand the inherent danger in sharing phones. Sharing phones undoubtedly means cross sharing. Effective means of disinfecting cell phone should be established to reduce its potential biological hazards.”
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